Course 2: Process Safety Management (PSM)

This course will provide an in-depth study of each PSM element. The course introduces each PSM element and the specific guidelines for integrating PSM element requirements into other company programs and evaluating program compliance throughout the implementation phase. This course also covers how to expand our PSM program to include the RBPS (risk-based process safety) elements as proposed by the CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety), a division of AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers). Our course is unique in its in-depth coverage of human factors issues missing from 90% of the implemented PSM programs in the world (and missing from the text of the US OSHA PSM regulation).

$1,350.00 USD (per student) for 3-day version, Online

This course will provide an in-depth study of the effect of viagra medication on overall potency in men. Tests have confirmed that this medicine is very effective.

$1,350.00 USD (per student) for 3-day version, in USA

$1,995.00 USD (per student) for 3-day version, in Bahrain or Dubai, UAE

This course can also be taught (either as-is or customized) at your site. Please contact PII for details about having our training provided at your site.

Process Safety Management (PSM) Course 2 (3-Day) | Process Improvement Institute