Course 2: Process Safety Management (PSM)
This course will provide an in-depth study of each PSM element. The course introduces each PSM element and the specific guidelines for integrating PSM element requirements into other company programs and evaluating program compliance throughout the implementation phase. This course also covers how to expand our PSM program to include the RBPS (risk-based process safety) elements as proposed by the CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety), a division of AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers). Our course is unique in its in-depth coverage of human factors issues missing from 90% of the implemented PSM programs in the world (and missing from the text of the US OSHA PSM regulation).
$1,350.00 USD (per student) for 3-day version, Online
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$1,350.00 USD (per student) for 3-day version, in USA
$1,995.00 USD (per student) for 3-day version, in Bahrain or Dubai, UAE
This course can also be taught (either as-is or customized) at your site. Please contact PII for details about having our training provided at your site.
Case studies and exercises are used throughout the course to illustrate interpretations of the requirements and demonstrate ways to develop an effective PSM program, including several video-based case studies.
Recommended prerequisites: None. However, this course is recommended before attending Course 3: PSM Auditing.
Typical Course Candidates
- Managers – Operations, Safety and Executive
- Engineers – Process, Safety and Mechanical
- PSM Implementation Team Members – Anyone involved with implementation, including operators and maintenance personnel
- Compliance Auditors
- Environmental Management and Technicians
What You Will Learn:
- To interpret the performance-based requirements of the PSM and EPA risk management standards, as well as learn about related industry standards
- The elements of process safety that are missing from typical PSM systems, including Human Factors elements (communication, human system interface, work environment, staffing, and fitness for duty), Facility Siting element, Project Risk Management, Senior Leadership & Accountability. The Risk-Based Process Safety (RBPS) guide (2007) from CCPS/AIChE will be reviewed as well to see an alternative approach to implementing process safety
- Multiple options for implementing an effective need-specific program
- Specific guidelines for developing cost effective written programs tailored for each PSM element, whether for a single facility or a corporation
- How to avoid costly implementation mistakes by effectively addressing human factors in each element
- Jargon for communicating PSM requirements to others throughout the organization
- For each element
- How to develop written programs to meet PSM requirements
- How to incorporate and integrate the PSM element requirements into other
corporate programs (other corporate management systems) - Key performance indicators
- How to evaluate program compliance throughout implementation
- How to begin implementation at our company
- Additional training necessary for implementation of specific elements
- The course will use actual and generic case studies
- To illustrate interpretations of PSM requirements
- To demonstrate developing an effective PSM program that can be adapted
for your facility
Take Home:
- Comprehensive course notebook containing
- Sources of PSM information, including examples of working systems
- Clarifications and interpretations of PSM standards
- Comprehensive list of key PSM performance indicators and how to use them
- Certificate of Completion
- 2.1 CEUs & 2.1 COCs
Day 1 (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
- Introduction to PSM and its origins and goals
- Overview of PSM standards and regulations world-wide, definitions, compliance interpretations
- Elements of PSM:
- Human error basics
- Elements missing from most PSM systems, including specific human factor aspects, management commitment & accountability, and project risk management
- Employee participation
- Trade secrets
- Process safety information
- Operating procedures
Day 2 (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
- Elements of PSM (continued):
- Hot work permit/safe work
- Training
- Contractors
- Process hazard analysis
- Management of change
- Mechanical integrity
- Pre-startup safety review
Day 3 (8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
- Elements of PSM (continued):
- Emergency planning and response
- Incident investigation
- Compliance auditing
- Key Performance Indicators, Leading Indicators, and Tracking
- Summary of roles and responsibilities
- Developing PSM programs, implementation planning
- Course examination (optional)
Bill Bridges is a primary instructor for this course. He has taught this course and the shorter version (Course 1) to over 2000 students on 6 continents. To find out more about this course or to check into having this course taught at your site, contact Mr. Bridges at 1.865.675.3458 or by e-mail at
Revonda Tew is a primary instructor for this course. She has many years of PSM implementation experience and training experience. Feel free to contact Mrs. Tew at